America's Longest Book Drive

 What is America's Longest Book Drive?

America's Longest Book Drive is a 7500-mile solo motorcycle adventure from Key West, FL to Deadhorse, AK; the southernmost to northernmost connected cities in the United States. The goal is to collect 7500 books for Promising Pages, a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering a love for reading among children and providing them with access to books.

The journey will be shared on Instagram and YouTube, allowing supporters to follow along, experience the adventure, and witness the beauty of the North American landscape.

To contribute, individuals can donate using the link below. All money raised goes directly to support Promising Pages in their mission to instill a love for reading and provide access to books for children in need.

By combining a passion for motorcycling, storytelling, and philanthropy, America's Longest Book Drive strives to spread the joy of reading and empower young minds through the transformative power of literacy.